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What is XXE (XML external entity) injection? Tutorial & Examples

What is a blind XXE attack? Tutorial & Examples

interfere 干涉
escalate 升级,加剧
underlying server 底层服务器
arbitrary 任意的;武断的;
induced 诱导
input validation 输入验证
ampersand 符号(* &(表示and的符号))
newline characters 换行符
parsers 解析器
repurposing 重新调整
loophole 漏洞
language specification 语言规范;规格;规范;明细单;说明书
This is actually quite straightforward easy
enumerate 枚举
hidden attack surface 隐藏攻击面


What is SQL Injection? Tutorial & Examples

Subverting 颠覆
Retrieving 检索
double-dash 双破折号
comment indicator 注释符
sql clauses sql子句(from where这些)
incrementing 递增
order 排序
concatenating 串联
ideally 最好
permutations 排列
offsets 偏移量
Inducing 诱导
showing for 显示
asynchronously 异步
egress 离开;外出
more sophisticated than 比…更复杂
Batched 批处理分析
stacked 堆叠
feat 壮举
adamant 坚定的
unanimous 一致的
inherent vulnerabilities 固有漏洞
robust 健壮的
At least in part 至少在某种程度上
an integral aspect of 一个重要方面


Vulnerabilities in password-based login

system of trial 试错系统
dedicated tools 专用工具
fine-tune 微调
educated guesses 有根据的猜测
conform 符合
creep in 悄然出现
deviate 背离;偏离;违背
full stop 句号
in quick succession 接二连三地
at regular intervals 定期
credential stuffing attacks 凭据填充攻击
HSTS HTTP严格传输安全HTTP Strict Transport Security
As the token consists exclusively of static values 完全
mandatory 强制性的
two-factor authentication 2FA
simultaneously 同时
fraudulently obtains a SIM 骗取卡
whatsoever 不管怎样
It is a given means that something is obvious
inboxes 收件箱
rendered version 渲染版本
from scratch 从零开始


OAuth 2.0 authentication vulnerabilities

,namely a client application 即,也就是
The user is prompted to log in 提示
explicitly give their consent for the requested access. 明确 ; 同意
The OAuth grant type 授权
onward 继续的 ; 向前的
arguably 可以说,可论证地,按理
endpoint mapping 端点映射
Mandatory 强制性的
evolved into 演变成
a means of 一种
battle-hardened 实战的
discrepancies 差异
audit 审计
to elicit a redirect 引出;探出;诱出
In addition to open redirects 除了
but this isn’t always the case 但情况并非总是如此
OpenID Connect slots neatly into the normal OAuth flows 插入 ; 塞进 ; 装入 干净地 ; 灵巧地;利索地
Up to this point 到目前为止
elicit 引出;探出;诱出
Wherever possible 尽可能地
unwittingly 不知不觉地

Directory traversal

What is directory traversal, and how to prevent it?

circumvent 规避
spell out how to prevent path traversal vulnerabilities. 说明
consecutive 连续的
step up 增加 ; 提高
nested traversal sequences 嵌套
superfluous 多余的
canonicalize 规范化

Insecure deserialization

Insecure deserialization

into a “flatter” format 更平坦
eventuality (尤指令人不快的)可能发生的事情,可能出现的结果
passing data into a sink 接收器
gadget chains 小工具链
tampering with the data 篡改
At no point 绝不
snippet 代码段 一小条(消息);一则(新闻);一小段(谈话、音乐等)
Manually identifying gadget chains can be a fairly arduous process 艰苦的
off-the-shelf 现成的
cumbersome 麻烦
single apostrophe 单撇号
masquerading 伪装



backticks 倒引号

Business logic vulnerabilities

Business logic vulnerabilities

exploit behavioral quirks 利用行为怪癖
dictate 规定,指使
deviates 偏离
inadvertently 疏忽地
creep into an application 潜入
imposed 推行,采用(规章制度)
lax 松懈
cautionary examples 劝告的 ; 告诫的 ; 警告的
Inconsistent 不一致的
When probing for logic flaws 探索;追问
bizarre application behavior 极其怪诞的 ; 异乎寻常的
hit the $1000 threshold 门槛
it no longer satisfies the intended criteria 预期的标准



in a normal fashion 以正常的方式
tunnel vision 井底之蛙
Verbose 冗长的
devised 设计
access controls are applied programmatically with reference to this matrix 关于,根据
Discretionary access control 自由决定的;酌情行事的
assign or delegate 指派或委派
This model is highly granular 这个模型是高度细粒度(由颗粒构成的 ; 含颗粒的)
object subject 对象;主体
purchase clerk 采购员(职员;簿记员;文书)
rigorous front-end controls 严格的前端控制
onward attacks (向前的)转发攻击


What is SSRF (Server-side request forgery)?

Cracking the lens: targeting HTTP’s hidden attack-surface

security posture 安全态
final octet of the IP IP地址的最后八位
case variation. 大小写变化
The URL specification contains a number of features that are liable to be overlooked when implementing ad hoc parsing and validation of URLs: 特性,规格; 临时的,专门,特殊的( URL规范包含许多特性,这些特性在实现URL的特殊解析和验证时容易被忽略:)
one-way nature 单向性
trivially 微不足道的,平凡地,平凡
out-of-band (OAST) Out-of-band application security testing (OAST)
Another avenue for exploiting blind SSRF vulnerabilities 大街 ; 林荫道 ; 选择 ; 途径 ; 手段
a lens of  
how to use malformed requests and esoteric headers to coax these systems 畸形的;深奥,难领略的;哄劝 , 劝诱
segregate 隔离
masquerade 掩藏;掩饰
Amongst other things 除此之外
impersonate 冒充
testing each permutation separately 分别测试每个排列


What is cross-site scripting (XSS) and how to prevent it?

cursor 光标
hash #
angle brackets 尖括号
pseudo-protocol 伪协议
enclosing the existing JavaScript 包含
backslashes 反斜杠
single quotes escaped 转义
parentheses 圆括号
apostrophe 撇号
JavaScript template literals are string literals that allow embedded JavaScript expressions. The embedded expressions are evaluated and are normally concatenated into the surrounding text. Template literals are encapsulated in backticks(****)** instead of normal **quotation marks(****‘****)**, and embedded expressions are identified using the ${...} syntax. | JavaScript模板**文本**是允许**嵌入**JavaScript表达式的**字符串文本**。嵌入的表达式将**被计算**并通常**连接(串联)**到周围的文本中。模板文本被**封装(概括** **;** **压缩)**在中而不是普通的引号**中,嵌入的表达式使用${…}语法进行标识  
into 转换
circumvented with sufficient ingenuity. 独创力 ; 聪明才智
colon 冒号
double curly braces 双花括号
arithmetic operator 算术运算符
subtraction operator 减法运算符
mitigate against some common attacks. 减轻
semicolons 分号
wildcards 通配符
Dangling markup injection 挂起;垂悬;晃晃悠悠
cutting-edge 先进的


What is CSRF (Cross-site request forgery)

caveats 注意事项
pseudo-random 伪随机
which is inadvertently misspelled in the HTTP specification 无意地;拼错;规范
prescribes 规定; 给…开
exacerbate 加剧
Intranets 内部网


What is Clickjacking? Tutorial & Examples

incorporation 合并
overlaid 覆盖
overlap 重叠
opacity 不透明

DOM-based vulnerabilities

DOM-based vulnerabilities

hierarchical representation 层次表示
caveats 注意事项
defacement 诽谤
DOM clobbering 狠击 ; 狠揍 ; 猛打

WebSockets security vulnerabilities

Testing for WebSockets security vulnerabilities

full duplex 全双工
stale 请求过期,不新鲜的;(空气)污浊的;(烟味)难闻的
masquerading 伪装

Server-side template injection

Server-side template injection

volatile 不稳定的
template directives 模板指令
stumbled across 偶然发现
ruled out 排除

Web cache poisoning

Web cache poisoning

fixed amount 固定(额)
inextricably 不可分开地;密不可分地
indefinitely 无限期地
how often the cache is purged 清除
rudimentary way 基本方法
tailor the attack 定制攻击
discrepancy 差异
de facto standard 事实上的标准
delimiter 分隔符
gives precedence to 优先考虑
In select cases 在某些情况下
pseudo-POST 虚假的

HTTP Host header vulnerabilities

How to identify and exploit HTTP Host header vulnerabilities

indent 缩进,订单
intact 完好无损;完整
albeit 尽管;虽然

request smuggling

What is HTTP request smuggling?

chunked encoding 块编码
departure 离开;起程;出发